Saturday, March 7, 2015



Catmonanon tradition during Holy Week is to prepare "Binignit", a basic mixture of fruits and root vegetables added with “landang” palm flour jelly, coconut milk and brown sugar in lieu of a regular meal as a form of abstinence of a penitent soul. Binignit can also be added with some extra ingredients such as glutinous rice, tapioca pearl, and others to make it more special.

My late grandmother used to pound the violet taro roots mixed withcoconut milk then finely grind the mixture before carefully forming it into a teaspoonful balls, this alone is a very special type of binignit, so delicious and heavenly.

When you think of Holy Week especially on Good Fridays, you will think of this sweet, creamy, colorful delicious stew called Binignit, pronounced as “Bee-nig-nit”. Catmon will be flooded with different variety of this so tasty mouth watering sweet stew comes Friday this Holy Week.

One of the traditions during Holy Week some youngsters will surely miss to appreciate is the spirit of sharing binignit to your neighbors and friends. To savor different tastes out of different methods of cooking Binignit from different wonderful neighbors and friends is one of the Holy Week’s events that will make it more Holy than Holier… I really missed the good old days. Oh, boy!